Towards the end of 07 myself, schooner, briano, jackboy, yason, kyle, mayo, behemoth, cyclops jules, aimee, kika went set of to byron bay for new years eve. first stop of was my dads in bonny hills (15 mins south of port maqaurie). we camped on my dads property and induldged in 2 days of pure rage!!!! bonfires, beach bbq's, concrete beachside/bottle shop side skatepark, moutain raging, big tree admiring and many a swim down! the top of the mountain was definatly the highlight! with many enormous trees and a killer view! hahaha when everyone took there turn of standing up on the gaurd railing kyle neally got pumped! cyclops maggot jules noticed it said 'I LOVE KYLE' right were he was standing and she neally knocked him of not once but 4 times when hitting his legs and trying to pull him down to show him! hahahaha. lator on that night a very sick (with the flu) kyle hecalled the fuck out of a eagles boy pizza employee for free pizzas!!!! and we got hooked grandly! the rage was well and truly real! stories were told and schoolings were schooled! so we set of for byron! when we arrived we hit that good good aus mex! $5 nachos for breakfest lunch and dinner! BLESS IT! we all got super drunk that night and greated sydney homegirl O and ended up crashing a party and schooling many a drink. oh we also saw a shitty yellow car for sale with a fat ass turd sprawled on it!!! the following day being new years eve!!!!! many of us woke up sprawled over sanchezs living room! hungover and feeling worse for ware we bailed to nimbin! nimbin is chat! a lot of old chat junkies stores that look super cool with nothing too cool in them! and u get hassled non stop by dealers! and u can also get coffee with 3 flies in it! ahahahahah. aimees little dog couldnt stop humping this other dog we ran into! ahahhha! we then set off for 'protestors waterfall' this was a mission through skinny dirt, cratered roads! we were about 4kms away after around 1hours driving and could go no further due to the road being flooded!!!! so on the way back the bohemoth car raged through cow fields picking magic mushrooms!!!!! due to the heavy amounts of rain the mushies were sprowting out of cow poo! when we got back into town dinner was served and many of the possi got shroomerd!!!! then a bunch of us set into town for some new years raging! despite the rain we had a grand time!!! hope evryone can do it again next year!!!
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