schooner, alan and myself left bondi at 9pm...with a longish drive ahead we stopped at many a servo and mcdonalds cafes for coffee hits. we dodged many a kangaroo lurking by the road, put up with drunken goulban chats at the mcdonalds. and we even found a road kill echidna. the first one ive ever seen in the wild. wish he was moving though. we arrived at the cameron residents at 4 in the morning and greated by his rad pittbull missy. the beds were already set and we crashed!!!
the following morning we met nigels old man greg. what a legend. at 10 in the morning he was chilling a couple tinnies (can of beer) deep and with a ciggie in the other hand. the camerons are the nicest most hospitable family! thanx again for letting us stay guys!
nigels car is so so so fucking raddd!! schoon couldnt help himself, and got down in that photo. after a few shoots, a cup of tea and a catch up chat we hit the park. it was super cool. 2 rad bowls joined up perfect for some fast lines. nigel shredded the comp so hard and took out 1st place! macca another good homie held his own coming in second! big ups on the shredding in the extremy hot conditions!
ofcourse there was a lot of chat razors, those chat swivell boards and todd with aids. he is actually transparent in one of the photos!!! the bbq was brewing and the snaggz on bread were pounded! at the end of the day the boys hooned around the bowls in a line in honour of there buddy who had passed away!
after the comp we booted out to griffith. good friend of ours todd with aids was spawned there. we had a little shred at his local park. met his oldman and hit the pub for an eatdown. todds oldman is the head chef. they stacked it correctly! schoon had a mixed grill! it was HUGGGGGGGGE!! we left extremly full! thanx lord tangerz!!
on the drive back to leeton we pulled over, sprawled out on the warm bonnet and geezed at the sparkling stars! it was so so so dark. no lights for atleast 30kms in any direction. i have never seen the stars gleeming so rad in my life!
when we got back to nigels the party was in full swing. everyone crowded around a big ass fire.laughter filled the air and story time was plentiful. when u finished your beer u had to throw your can into the furthest bucket. if u missed u had to throw it from were it landed to the binat the other end. u wrnt allowed to get another beer until u had sunk the old one in the bucket. i rember al was missing a lot on one turn and was actually running from one end tothe other in frustration because he wanted another fresh breeeeew! todd was amazing at it. i saw him smooth talking a sprowta on top of the mini ramp, and lobbed it from upthere-over the fire and booooom in!
the fire was raging and everyone was having a great time. alan was enjoying his first lammington (a spondge cake with chocolate icing covered in coconut). people dancing in the small bedroom, with a black sabbath record blarrring and a strobe light blinking!
ofcourse shit got gnarly. alan started walking through the fire with the surly man! winnie then threw a shitload of palm on the fire and it was raging so high!!! alan man was psyching up to throw his carcuss through and booooom winnie erupted through the flames! and with no more hesitation alan dived head first through it!!! the stench on sindged hair filled the sky! keep in mind it was a konday night and he had neighbours~! everyone was screaming, chanting, yelling going nuts!!! winnies beard got well roasted. the surly brah was well sindged and was last seen leaving the party in the dark streets of leeton stinking of burnt hair and shirtless!!!
the next morning was fun. we got a few photos with the crew and had to get back on the road for sydney as it was alans last day! just before leaving nigels mum janis heckled todd "you sleep to much todd! one day u are going to wake up and be an old man!" and she even documented it by taking a photo! with a quick shower, cup of tea, thankyous and hugs we were on the road again! alwa drove the whole way back.
the dead kangaroo was a freshy. and i couldnt help myself!
thankyou very very very much to nigel for organising it! the cameron family! all the guys for the rad times! todd with aids and his old man tony for stacking it correctly! schoon doggy and especially alans girl miranda for lending us her car!!!!! and i cantforget alan man!!! we miss u dearly!!
get a car! get on the road with your homies! and u are garanteed good times!!!

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