Tuesday, June 10, 2014


After skipping, falling and clambering over scree for the past 2 hours we adjusted our crampons and tied ourselves together as we were about to take our first steps onto the glacier. By partner from Pennsylvania was devastated to discover that his crampons were broken. Our guide cut his own shoe laces in half and literally fixed them with a piece of string. Ive honestly never done anything harder then this in my life. Hands down mountaineers have a screw loose. These large cracks in the ice 'crevase' literally drop down into the abyss, one slip down there and your dead, frozen, meat. 
Only a couple hundred meters away from the summit our bodies shut down and our guide advised us that we were not of the beach so it wasn't time for sun baking and we best push on as any slight change in the weather could impact our lives. 

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To Buy/Stock/Distribute Gypsy Skateboards contact: http://www.maccaronidistribution.com/