Friday, July 30, 2010


we woke up a little rusty. the night before we ended up meeting some tibetans in a service station. we ended up going back to their apartment drinking beer till wee hours of the morning. they were very nice men. expressing their confusion about ongoing struggle with the chinese. they played us lively tibetan music with their keyboard, 3 string guitar and loud singing. homeboy told us that in tibet the most offensive thing you can do to some in tibet is too lick your fingers, click them and stay step on you. which essentially means 'i can fuck you up'. unfortunately i didnt have my camera!!!! ):
saturday we went in search for the golden gate bridge. our gps wigged out and we ended up in ashbury. that area was rad. a diverse range of characters. from old dudes with nun chucks to cute old ladies attending church. unfortunately there are no giant sequoias left in the area ( actually 95% of the original forrest throughout california was cut down). but we did find a painting of one! BEING KIND IS NOT LAME!!!!

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